The Musical Staff

The Musical Staff is the second in the Music@Home DVD series.  It consists of eleven lessons, each approximately 12 – 18 minutes in length and is accompanied by worksheets for each lesson and a test in lesson twelve. The lessons are geared to elementary students.  However, students of any age who have never learned the musical staff could benefit from them.

More information about the courseHow To Buy Music At Home DVDs

Lesson Titles

  1. How Do the Notes Sound?
  2. The Musical Staff
  3. The Grand Staff
  4. The Musical Alphabet
  5. Treble Clef Spaces
  6. Treble Clef Lines
  7. Bass Clef Spaces
  8. Bass Clef Lines
  9. The Middle Guys
  10. Ledger Lines
  11. Complete Review
  12. Test

Sample Video